Windsong’s lead research radiologist, Dr. X. Cynthia Fan, has dedicated years to learning more about how to improve breast health. One of her more recent research projects is on a new imaging device called the photoacoustic dual-scan mammoscope. This is performed through collaboration with Dr. Jun Xia’s lab in University of Buffalo Department of Biomedical Engineering.
According to their recently published paper, titled Photoacoustic dual-scan mammoscope: results from 38 patients, the researchers were able to observe higher vascular activity in most tumor breasts, which, if proven consistent, will allow for improved tumor assessment at various stages and could help to reduce unnecessary biopsies.
Presurgical Breast MRI Data
Dr. Fan had also performed a study analyzing presurgical breast MRI data from Windsong. Her research concluded that presurgical MRI was able to detect an additional 14.8% malignancy, including 5% cancer in contralateral breast, and 10.8% ipsilateral incremental malignancies. This research further demonstrates the importance of breast MRI for surgical planning.
Dr. Fan’s research has contributed to 8 peer reviewed scientific articles, including 2 in collaboration with Dr. Xia’s lab at UB on photoacoustic imaging, and one based on Windsong MRI data. Her dedication to the field of discovery in Medicine has created new knowledge that has the potential to improve healthcare.
Looking for Radiology Services? Contact Windsong Today.
Thanks to experienced professionals like Dr. X. Cynthia Fan, Windsong is a leader in radiology services across Western New York. Whether you need breast imaging, a breast MRI, or a mammogram, schedule a radiology appointment at Windsong today.
Dr. Fan’s Selected Publications
Photoacoustic dual-scan mammoscope: results from 38 patients.
Nikhila Nyayapathi, Huijuan Zhang, Emily Zheng, Srinidhi Nagarajan, Ermelinda Bonaccio, Kazuaki Takabe, X Cynthia Fan, Jun Xia. Biomedical Optics Express. April 2021, Vol 12, No. 4: 2054-2063.
Dual Scan Mammoscope (DSM)-A New Portable Photoacoustic Breast Imaging System with Scanning in Craniocaudal Plan.
Nikhila Nyayapathi, Rachel Lim, Huijuan Zhang, Wenhan Zheng, Yuehang Wang, Melinda Tiao, Kwang W Oh, X Cynthia Fan, Ermelinda Bonaccio, Kazuaki Takabe, Jun Xia. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2020 May; 67(5): 1321-1327.
Impact of Presurgical Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) on Surgical Planning
– A retrospective analysis from a private radiology group
Xinhao Cynthia Fan, Takuma Nemoto et al, (2013) The Breast Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2, p. 134-141.
LFA-1-dependent HuR nuclear export and cytokine mRNA stabilization in T cell activation.
Wang, J.G., Collinge, M., Ramgolam, V., Ayalon, O., Fan, Xinhao C., Pardi, R., Bender, J.R.
2113. Immunology. (2006) 176: 2105-2113.
HNS, a novel nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling sequence in the RNA-binding protein HuR.
Xinhao Cynthia Fan and Joan A. Steitz. (1998) PNAS, 95(26):15293-8.
Overexpression of HuR, a nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling protein, increases the in vivo stability of ARE-containing mRNAs.
Xinhao Cynthia Fan and Joan A. Steitz. (1998) EMBO J, 17: 3448-60.
AU-rich elements target small nuclear RNAs as well as messenger RNAs for rapid degradation.
Xinhao Cynthia Fan, Vic E. Myer and Joan A.Steitz. (1997) Genes & Dev. 11: 2557-68.
Characterization of HuR implicates it as a component of the AUUUA-mediated destabilization pathway.
Vic E. Myer, Xinhao Cynthia Fan and Joan A. Steitz. (1997) EMBO J, 16: 2130-39.
Why is Tomosynthesis Superior than Digital Mammogram?—Experience in a Community Radiology Practice.
Xinhao Cynthia Fan, Jonathan Snitzer et al (abstract). March 2018. NCoBC.
The many faces of infection on HRCT.
Xinhao Cynthia Fan, Aamer, Chughtai. (abstract). May 2008, ARRS.
Diffusion weighted MRI to evaluate cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis.
Xinhao Cynthia Fan, Hero K. Hussain, Saroja Adusumilli, Jorge A. Marrero, Thomas L. Chenevert. (oral presentation and electronic exhibition) May 2007, ARRS
Evaluation of cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis with diffusion weighted imaging and ADC measurements.
Xinhao Cynthia Fan, Hero K. Hussain, Vikas Gulani, Saroja Adusumilli, Jorge A. Marrero, Thomas L. Chenevert. (abstract and poster presentation) 2006, ISMRM, p.256.
Overexpression of HuR, a nuclear-cytoplasmic shuttling protein, stabilizes ARE-containing mRNAs.
Xinhao Cynthia Fan and Joan A. Steitz. (1998) RNA’98-the Third Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, p.269.
AU-rich elements target viral snRNAs for rapid degradation.
Xinhao Cynthia Fan and Joan A. Steitz. (1997) Translation and Stability of mRNA Meeting, CA. p.23.
AUUUA-mediated snRNA degradation.
Xinhao Cynthia Fan, Vic E. Myer and Joan A. Steitz. (1996) RNA’96-the First Annual Meeting of the RNA Society, p.208.