Prostate Cancer Screening
Prostate MRI
Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men. Windsong was the first in the region to offer Multiparametric Prostate MRI, an analytical and interventional imaging option that can help pinpoint areas of concern in the prostate. This technique uses 3T MRI, providing increased sensitivity and improved accuracy in localizing prostate cancer. Prostate MRI help urologists and oncologists screen for prostate cancer more effectively, allowing them to better visualize suspected cancer and often eliminating the need for an ultrasound biopsy and associated side effects.
Frequently Asked Questions
Your doctor may find you eligible for a Prostate MRI if you are a male age 55 to 69 with:
- Elevated PSA levels
- Persistent elevated or rising PSA after negative ultrasound biopsy
- Rising PSA post-prostatectomy or post-Radiotherapy
- Active surveillance for patients with prostate cancer
Men over age 69 should talk to their doctor about their individual treatment plan
During an MRI scan, you’ll lie comfortably on your back on a table that is moved inside of a large magnet. A piece of equipment called a “coil,” which sends and receives radio frequency waves, will be placed around the area of your body that’s being examined. During the scan, as with all MRI exams, you will hear various noises, ranging from a buzzing to a loud knocking. We’ll provide earplugs, or in some cases music, to help with the noise.
Because an MRI exam takes images (or “slices”) from various angles, several sets of images will be taken, each lasting from one to 6 minutes. It’s important to lie very still during each sequence in order to produce clear, diagnostic images. The total exam time is approximately 30 minutes.
Depending on your symptoms or prior medical history, you may be given a contrast medium via IV, which can improve visibility for physicians. The technologist will explain this procedure to you if necessary.
Windsong Radiology offers several types of MRI scans: Closed MRI and Open Bore MRI. Both are an effective way to perform the exam, however they utilize different machine shapes, sizes and magnet strengths. Please talk to your doctor about which may be the better option for you.
Since you will be positioned within a large, very strong magnet, you must remove all loose metal objects. Doing so is important for your safety and the safety of our staff, and to ensure proper functioning of the equipment. You may be asked to change into a gown or scrubs unless you are wearing clothing that is metal-free. Please let us know ahead of time if any of the following applies to you:
- Cardiac Pacemaker
- Artificial heart valve prosthesis
- Eye Implants or metal ear implants
- Any metal implants activated electronically, magnetically, or mechanically
- Aneurysm clips
- Copper 7 IUD
- Penile implant
- Shrapnel or non-removed bullet
- Pregnancy
- Claustrophobia
- Any metal puncture(s) or fragment(s) in the eye
If fasting is necessary for your procedure, you’ll be instructed well in advance. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to the exam time in order to register.
Results are usually sent to your referring physician 48 hours after your exam.
Visit our locations page for more information. Imaging modalities and associated studies vary by location. Please contact us to schedule your visit at a convenient location near you.
Request an appointment online or contact us at 716-631-2500.
A Prostate MRI is subject to copay, deductible, or coinsurance depending on your health insurance plan. To find out your financial responsibility, please contact your health insurance carrier.