MR Angiography
MR Angiography (MRA)
MRA provides detailed images of blood vessels without having to insert a catheter directly into an artery. The fellowship trained radiologists at Windsong are experienced in the non-invasive imaging of blood vessels looking for potential aneurisms, stenosis (narrowing), or occlusions (blockage of blood vessels) that will give you and your doctors the necessary answers. There is no significant recovery time associated with an MRA, and the cost is substantially less, when compared to standard angiography. A very small amount of gadolinium based contrast medium may be used – MR contrast is very safe and the risk of an allergic reaction is extremely low.
Common MRA exams include head (Circle of Willis), carotids, subclavian, aorta ascending, thoracic, abdominal, renal, pelvis and runoff (legs), and MRV (MR Venography) of the head.
Frequently Asked Questions
You will be placed on a special table and positioned inside the opening of the MRI scanner. A typical exam requires anywhere from two to six imaging sequences, each lasting from two to 10 minutes. Each sequence provides a specific angle at a specified degree of image clarity or contrast. Depending on the study, the total exam time can range from 10 to 60 minutes. If contrast medium is required, this will be administered via IV.
Since you will be positioned within a large, very strong magnet, you must remove all loose metal objects. Doing so is important for your safety and the safety of our staff, and to ensure proper functioning of the equipment. You may be asked to change into a gown unless you are wearing clothing that is metal-free. Please let us know ahead of time if any of the following applies to you:
- Cardiac Pacemaker
- Artificial heart valve prosthesis
- Eye Implants or metal ear implants
- Any metal implants activated electronically, magnetically, or mechanically
- Aneurysm clips
- Copper 7 IUD
- Penile implant
- Shrapnel or non-removed bullet
- Pregnancy
- Claustrophobia
- Any metal puncture(s) or fragment(s) in the eye
If fasting is necessary for your procedure, you’ll be instructed well in advance. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to the exam time in order to register.
Results are usually sent to your referring physician 48 hours after your exam.
Visit our locations page for more information. Imaging modalities and associated studies vary by location. Please contact us to schedule your visit at a convenient location near you.
Request an appointment online or contact us at 716-631-2500.
Please check with your insurance plan to confirm that the procedure is covered. You may be responsible for all or a portion of the bill. Payment may be required at the time of service. For questions regarding insurance coverage, and/or billing please call (716)-631-2500.